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We are All (God's) Miracles

The more I reflect on the world around me, the more I realise that EVERYONE truly is a miraculous survivor. It is simply impossible to live more than a few years on this planet without (alongside, the fun, the joy and the laughter) being side-swiped by hurt, pain and sometimes breath-taking tragedy.

It is the balance of life, as it is.

I saw a lovely video this week of our Queen ,aged 95, glowing with life, joy, tenderness and humour at the simple task of cutting a cake. We all know her very public journey of turmoil, tragedy and relentless work , yet she retains a hope and joy for life that is clear to see. Miraculous!

I have posted (without permission, so may have to take it down!) a picture of my King and Queen, my parents, who too, retain through such a life’s journey, still an overflow of warmth, compassion and joy. Miraculous, truly!

For others, the journey is (or is currently) too overwhelming, and they cannot rise at the moment, and for very understandable reasons (for the tragedies of life are not equally distributed) may be bitter, angry and disillusioned. Yet they too, are still standing! They continue forward, coping as best they can (and we have ALL been there!) and so too are living Miracles, who we should respect and honour.

For others, their lives and actions bad and sometimes hideous, have meant that we have had to lock them away, to provide justice to their victims and safety for society - but let us remember that their journeys are not over. Let us leave room in our hearts and theirs, for the beautiful hope of repentance and restoration. Those stories, too, are Miraculous indeed!

There is POWER within us all if we seek it with all our hearts, where WE TOO can rise!

It is always found in a quiet place, it has a gentle whispering voice, but it is there: it whispers HOPE, retains still FAITH in tomorrow and finds a path for us - The Power of LOVE.

When we SEEK it, we CAN find it, when we seek it with all of our heart.

And there too our Miracle begins.

Bear with me, Jonathan x


  1. Apologies for sneaking ‘God’ into the title. It is optional! It comes from a personal belief that we are all ‘God’s Creatures’, and as such, within us all there is a quiet space where the Spirit of Love can take root and blossom. And, if you like, the ‘kingdom of God’ can reign and have influence: The God of Love and Compassion.

  2. Apologies to my parents for putting their picture up!!

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