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15. There is still Hope!

As I leave 2021, I reflect back to my first post a year ago, when I was jerked into consciousness by the ‘Almost Toppling’ of Democracy in America. The World seems to very bleak at times - where does each one of us even begin to try and influence things?

For me, I see there is only one absolute certainty, one Truth, one solid foundation on which to build my life, my perspectives, my opinions, only one thing worth fighting for in this World, that

LOVE (Compassion) is always Right

LOVE must stand above all else, and be championed as precious - shouted from the rooftops and explicitly used as the standard by which all religions, politics and ideologies must be held accountable.

But hand-in-hand comes the realisation that there is therefore, only One ‘Sin’ in its truest form, one incontrovertible Wrong, which must be countered, that

HATRED (willful infliction of suffering) is always Wrong

I have spent time this year trying to explain to my ‘own kind’ those of a religious persuasion, how I have reached this ‘liberal’ perspective, but in the year ahead I wish to speak more openly to the secular world as a whole. Our democracies, and our value systems seem to be suffering a crisis of confidence. Perhaps we have lost the ‘soul’ in our systems? Have the central values simply now become just Power and Profit? Can we re-imagine them? Can the centrality of LOVE (Compassion) re-invigorate them?

Is there is such a thing as wrong politics - that which incites Hatred, or causes needless suffering to its population?

Is there is such a thing as wrong business - that which makes excessive profit, causes Suffering by exploitation of workers or that deliberately targets the weakness of others?

Is there is such a thing as bad religion - that which encourages Hatred of others, or inflicts suffering on its own observers?

Is there such a thing as wrong technology - is there a point at which the we have to say 'Stop' to some things?

So much to explore …

But at the start of a new year, just a reminder to myself so I do not lose focus:


As a wearer of the label “Christian”, therefore, I simply wish to say of the hatred, hurt and division in this world:

“Not in My Name”

To me there is only one Law that matters - to Love our Neighbours as we would love ourselves.

And so I will choose to call you my brother, my sister, my black Christian brother, my White Muslim sister, my atheist brother, my Humanist sister, my gay Jewish brother, my bisexual sister, my straight white brother, my transgender Christian sister. I will not try and change you, I will not fight you, I will honour you, work with you, struggle through life with you, I will never be against you, if you commit to work with me, united, towards the triumph of Compassion and Love.

Bear with me! Jonathan x


1. Apologies to those who are not religious, for the ‘religious’ tone of what I write. I hope my pledge makes it clear that I esteem all view points equally, if we are working together for the championing of Love. It is still true that 86% of the world have a religious perspective and I am trying to show how a religious foundation can be held onto while embracing a liberal perspective.

2. Apologies also to the religious observers who may be offended, this is not my ntention. I still retain a very deep Christian Faith and a deep respects for Holy Scriptures and would encourage those of others Faiths also to see if they can reach this place within their faith perspective. Love comes FIrst, above all ideology and traditions. For those who believe that GOD IS LOVE, I do not see this being a problem. I have written my journey in a blog, as I have been persuaded that Facebook is not always the best place to put controversial views. For those who are interested the link is below and I would welcome discussion via that forum.

From a fellow traveller, who cares passionately for the state of this beautiful world,

Jonathan x

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